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To your sound and ever peaceful and thriving
happiness and health
. An e-shop with products
from Zvia Frankfurt artisan's workshop.
In the e-shop there are products free of charge
and products you pay for:

TCIA Books self-help fun, motivational and inspirational, body-mind, 
6 months EST mentoring

3 months EST coaching
1 EST session
TCIA Lectures & Seminars


Abuse - EB
New Hot
A practical guide with tools and ways to come out of abuse; free myself to enjoy abuse-free behaviour and conduct; let go of abusive habit; make A - Z revolution in my mind-set, state of being, and state of mind. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?..
A practical guide with self-testimonial, tools and ways to change a mind-set, state of being, and state of mind; come out of false-beliefs being and reality; let go of limiting beliefs; set myself free of prejudice handcuffs and prison-cell. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?..
Block Clearing
New Free
BLOCKED ENERGY CLEARING Brilliantly and wonderfully efficient and effective in clearing all that is not happiness and love. Materials: A pen, sheets of paper, a glass, a jar with filtered and fresh drinking water. Find a place and a time where you feel protected and safe. Centre and f..
New Free
Bread with crispy crust and taste of more 15 minutes to orgazine and prepare 60 minutes baking in a pre-heated to 220-230 degrees celsius baking oven Measure glass - see Tehina Cookies photograph Shelf life - in oven's baking chamber - 8 days You are free to change flours and play with their ..
Keep Away and Remove Fleas from a Kitten in Creation’s Way How To Keep Away and Remove Fleas from a Kitten in Creation’s Way The kitten is with fleas? I paid a fortune (more than 10 nis, 2 €, 2 GBP, 3 US$) for a collar to keep away and remove fleas from a kitten in creation’s way ..
English Version Protocol Cat Giardia cleansing, evacuation and digestive system rehabilitation..
Protocol: DIY Cleansing and evacuating Giardia, infection, worms and rehabilitating digestive system of a cat How much, How to, What to DIY Cleansing and evacuating Giardia, infection, worms and rehabilitating digestive system of a cat How to do It yourself In Creation’s way from he..
A practical guide with self-testimonial, tools and ways to gather more courage; relive and revive courage; set myself free of anxiety, dread, fear, worry handcuffs and prison-cell. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?..
A practical guide with self-testimonials, tools and ways to clear dread, come out of fear, let go of fright set myself free to freely and happily fly from one delightful flow to another. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?..
A guide with  inspiring ideas, motivational and simple tools and ways to clear foul full approach, attitude, behaviour, conduct; let go of foul-play; make A - Z revolution in mind-set, state of being, state of mind; set myself free to freely and happily be and live authentic, confide..
A friendly guide with easy to use tools and ways to clear blocks,  free myself to naturally grow into..., out of..., up to... WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?  ..
Jam - EB
New Hot
Brilliant, eye-opening, inspirational and motivational E-book with ideas that may make you smile and wonder "how did I not think of this myself?" Tools and ways to enjoy traffic-jam free rides, roads, ways, all the way. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?..
Reflexology - 15
New Hot
Reflexology - Hands 15 Minutes Hands Reflexology Reflexology massage of palms, wrist, forearm, elbow and arm to heal, renew blood flow; relieve pain, stress, tension; reset health and inner peace.   לחץ או מתח; הרגשת הקלה...
Reflexology - 30 minutes Reflexology massage to feet, ankles and calves to let go of pain, stress, tension open blocks, renew blood stream, revive ease, energy motion and inner peace.      ..
Reflexology - 45 minutes Reflexology massage to feet, ankles and calves to let go of pain, stress, tension open blocks, renew blood stream, revive ease, energy motion and inner peace...
TCIA ansd SET training Lesson To be and to become empowered, inspired, motivated, successful in any area in your daily life. To come out of ache, ailment, anger, anguish, anxiety attack, an hour of crisis, a period of recession, a time of a trauma, victimhood, weakenss, or worry. To be and ..
Showing 1 to 21 of 39 (2 Pages)