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Keep Away and Remove Fleas
from a Kitten in Creation’s Way

How To Keep Away and Remove
Fleas from a Kitten in Creation’s Way

The kitten is with fleas?
I paid a fortune smiley
(more than 10 nis, 2 €, 2 GBP, 3 US$)
for a collar to keep away
and remove fleas from
a kitten in creation’s way

and the kitten is with fleas.

I am at a loss of advice,
I love life, living creatures,
nature and truth and I do
not know exactly how, what,
with what to
keep away and
remove fleas from a kitten
in creation’s way

Happened to me what
happened to her with Bjoji?
Fleas sucked to death the
kitten blood.

Perhaps with collars sold
keep away and remove
fleas from a kitten in creation’s way
Seresto, by Bayer.
BioLine, made in China?

I too learnt and realized
the truth that:
Cheap and Cheat
Garbage and Gold
begin with the exact same letter?

Expensive costs me in health
more than it costs me in money?
Expensive, these days, is far
from being a guarantee and
security to truth in advertising
- Full value for the fee?

To keep away and remove
fleas from a kitten in creation’s
she wore a
BioLine brand
collar around Ginge’s neck and…


She wore around Ginge’s neck
a Seresto brand collar and…


She is grateful for the shop
surprise: fair trade.
A full refund of the transaction
(Fair trade: collar + shipping costs).

One moment, shall you anoint
Ginge’s fur, with oils mixture?

   A Latin lover at his
   best and in reputation
   when not busy and
   occupied with being
   a territorial territory
   terrorist smiley



In pure essential oils
the lower the concentration is
the higher the efficiency is.

Shall you concoct a mixture
with Synergy Master Blend?

Effective for giardia and infections.

Also effective for fleas?

Anointed the fur.

Put it to Reality/Result test
and …. There is. YES smiley

Flees vanished leaving
behind no memory or traces.
Cost 2.20 nis for 10 ml.

Yes, Yes smiley
Truth in advertising.
The emotion of bliss,
the feeling of happiness
and the sensation of joy
from the fleas disappearance
and cost that summed up to?

Deeds and ingredients cost
of 11.00 nis and there she has
a quantity of 50 ml in the easiest,
most natural and simple.

Wow, so much?
What is this amount?
How long is this amount enough for?

2 anointments per day
2-3 consecutive days
This amount is enough for…?

The result of
The number of kittens and/or cats,
The number of times you anoint the kitten’s fur,
The quantity you anoint on your palms smiley

All is well smiley
In a cool dry place the
oils mixture is maintained
for years in its active and
useful state.

Anointment of the fur
2 times a day
2 consecutive days
and on the 3rd day
although zero fleas were found
and …

Were there fleas?
Were and gone.

Returned since?
Ginge, walks in and out as he
pleases, clean and free from
fleas for ever? NO smiley
Until the next time? YES smiley

Syenrgy Master Blend
J.D.Shcloss ship worldwide via DHL.
DHL shipping cost applies.
Send your order to
with your telephone number.
You will be called to provide
your payment card details.

Zvia Frankfurt share JD.Schloss
data as courtsey, F.OC. service
only. She is not being paid for
this information nor for any order
you will place.


What are you waiting for to

keep away and remove fleas
from a kitten in Creation’s Way?

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Tags: kitten , cat , fleas